KAN-Post price gouging confirmed!

  • fixed remaining parcels and stamp pack postage not resetting between separate runs of either 7-day and/or endless modes
  • fixed parcels not returning when being flung off the screen
  • fixed issue where the audio volume could be set to zero by skipping scenes rapidly
  • UNDERPAID PARCEL ISSUE: removed vestigial stamp weight causing stamps to contribute to parcel weight after shipping, sometimes causing the parcel to be bumped up a weight class, and unjustly fining the player for "underpaid" parcels
  • fixed mismatched sig digs on scale display vs. the weight used behind the scenes, potentially contributing to the "underpaid" parcel bug report

  • next button is now a bell and it dings
  • replaced route flag with a bigger, flappier, animated flag in the shipping menu
  • implemented a discrepancy overview:
    • displays all parcels the game believes are incorrect
    • prints the mistake caught vs. what it expected 
    • provides the shipping route map and rulebook for the player to cross-reference 
    • please post a screenshot of this view if you encounter any unjust fines!
  • audio/sfx changes:
    • updated existing background audio track
    • added new dynamic audio for transitions 
    • new sfx for perfect ship and bonus score 
    • added new audio track for score/shop menus
  • perfect ship now guaranteed on day 1 in 7-day mode
  • pricing chart weight column revised to show ranges and properly indicate inclusivity
  • tweaked visuals for buttons (end day, next bell, pay loan, etc) to be more consistent/feel reactive
  • general cleanup (consistent hexcodes, sig digs respected, tween sequence tweaks, tighter transitions, etc.) and refactoring (i.e. package prefabs updated with future mechanics in mind)



  • No promises yet on a full save system in browser, but we'll at least have a minimal save for settings working next update

Rulebook update

  • The majority of the pages in the book have not been updated since Ludum Dare, where to save time, we laid out the pages manually in photoshop rather than using actual text/fonts. Since there's been interest in localization, and we can't make that happen without having actual fonts, we're revising every text element to actually be a font.
  • The rules are not dynamic. There's no tutorial, no gradual introduction to the basic rules, nor the possibility to cohesively add new rules later on in gameplay. The pricing chart is confusing and gets stale reaaal fast. We'll be addressing all of this!

New mechanics

  • Parcels can spawn with "this way up"
  • A Hoppla20(TM) Stamp Auto-Sorter shop upgrade is in the works


Peggy's Post WebGL v1.4.5.zip 36 MB
May 04, 2024
Peggy's Post Windows v1.4.5.zip 61 MB
May 04, 2024

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